Thursday, February 1, 2018

8 Minute Memoir, Day 35: What's In Your Bag

This is a fun one.  I love a good purse and have several that I adore.  My current bag is one I got from Target, on clearance for only $14!  I know it's kind of hard to tell in the photo, but it's a really pretty navy blue color and has so far held up to daily use.  It is the perfect size and has a divider in the middle, which makes my little organizer's heart so happy!  Here is a comprehensive list of the things that are currently in my bag:

-Cell Phone
-Keys (to the Fit, the apartment) on a purple carabiner
-My journal (currently a small blue spiral bound notebook, one that has a pocket in the front)
-A book, always (right now I am reading Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down by Anne Valente and Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow so it just depends on what I have picked up at that particular moment; the former is a pretty intense read, and I find I need to take occasional breaks from it.
-Several pens, generally of the Pilot G2 or V5 variety
-A Sharpie marker or two that I have accidentally brought home from work
-Burt's Bees Lip Balm and the Walgreens brand eye drops
-A microfiber cloth, for cleaning my glasses
-A Trader Joe's reusable bag--I am trying to be better about that, as one of my goals for the year is to use my own bag more regularly
-A grocery list from my trip to Aldi earlier today

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