Thursday, February 1, 2018

8 Minute Memoir, Day 36: Winter (In Lieu of This Election)

Enough has been said about the Election of 2016 and the events that have followed in the long passage of time since then that I don't feel like I need to add to it.  Honestly, even just thinking about it sometimes can be overwhelming enough, and I don't know if I have it in me to give voice to all of that.  I have so much respect for those who can but right now, it's just not for me... I'd rather write about winter!

It's the beginning of February and we're looking towards the weekend and snow.  This time 7 years ago we were in the midst of a crazy snowstorm that left cars stranded on Lake Shore Drive.  There hasn't been all that much snow this winter, but it sure has been cold...  And that's the thing I struggle with most, the cold and the wind.  If it were just a little warmer, I wouldn't mind being out in it (going for runs, the elements of my job that require me to spend a little time outside) but for the most part, I really dislike being cold and especially the bitter gales of wind this winter has brought.

I have strong memories of winter as a kid, of playing on the giant mountain of snow, all that cleared from the parking lot and becoming our own personal mountain.  Having to spend all that time dressing for playing outside in snow pants and boots, hats and gloves.  Playing outside with my little brother, trying to make snow tunnels and only coming inside when our cheeks were frozen pink, our noses numb... and then Mom would make hot chocolate in the microwave while she threw our snowy wet winter clothing in the dryer.

It was like magic, then... it is less like magic now, having to be out in it, digging out my car, driving to the suburbs in it, but there are moments when I'm looking out the window or I'm out on a run, on a crisp, sunny day where it doesn't quite feel so cold... and the knowledge that already the days are starting to get longer.  I can endure six more weeks of winter... I can get through this with warm running gear and layering up at work and looking forward to that sunset getting later every day.  I can see the beauty in winter, lingering a little longer, making way for spring.

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