Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Visual Record; Inspiration.

As I mentioned previously, I signed up for the Chicago Half Marathon on September 7th.  I have nine months to prepare for 13.1 miles, which is more than enough time, but I really feel like I need to get started sooner rather than later!  I plan on writing more about my half marathon adventures, but for now... here are five photos from the five races I did in 2013, inspiration for 2014.

The Color Run--Chicago, Illinois

4th of July 5K--Lincolnshire, Illinois

The Color Run--Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run--St. Louis (Wright City), Missouri

Hot Chocolate 5K--Chicago, Illinois

I'm hoping to make "Jess Goes Running" a regular feature on this blog (just as I did over at Miles of Serendipity).  It is a good way for me document the races I participate in, as well as my progress and growth as a runner.  I hope to recap the three other races I did in 2013--see my Color Run Chicago experience here and running the Lincolnshire 5K here--and keep up with my half marathon training adventures.  Here goes nothing!


  1. :) you are such a Chicago hipster-yuppie in-training! And I mean that in the best way possible! You are so cute!
