Friday, January 19, 2018

Lately, Currently.

It's been a while since I've done one of these posts!  Here's a little peek into life, currently.

[Reading]  We are 19 days into the new year and I have already done so much reading!  I hope that this is a trend that I can keep up with.  I finished two books in the last week-- we are never meeting in real life. by Samantha Irby which was hilarious and so well worth the read!  I also read a book called A Monster Calls, which was a Christmas gift from my brother and totally not something I would have picked out for myself... and it was so. damn. good!  I LOVED it.  In fact, I was waiting to meet a friend for lunch and reading that, and she texted me when I had about 15 pages left so I went to where we were meeting for lunch and then hoped I had enough time to finish it.  I did, and it just blew me away.  When I was discussing it with my brother, I told him I was going to need a while to sit with that one and it's totally true...such an amazing book.  After finishing that, I started reading Bryan Cranston's autobiography, A Life in Parts.  (And reading it is like sitting in a room with him, reading everything in his voice!)

[Doing]  Working a lot.  Reading.  Trying to keep up with my sleep.  Writing a lot in my journal.  Writing a lot of poetry.  Doing my best to enjoy the beautiful parts of Chicago winter, even though it's January and we still have a good few months until we get to the end of it.  Cooking at home, in our tiny kitchen.  Starting to think about our next home, as our lease is up in a few months.  Contemplating my plans for this year, and whether or not they will involve me running a marathon.  Going running occasionally, not as often as I should... but I did go out today--twice!  Once out by the lake, and once in the neighborhood.  Six total miles, for my highest daily average since marathon training.  (I'll have to write a post about running soon.)  Spending time with my brother and his sweet girlfriend in the city and venturing out to the Shedd Aquarium... what a lovely time! Just generally trying to enjoy life and soak up every moment and feeling.

[Thinking About]  My sweet Gracie, a cat we'd had since I was in middle school, who passed away on Wednesday.  She was such a love and such a little delight.  She just laid down and went to sleep and for that I'm grateful...  but I sure will miss her.  Happy at least that she and Sadie are now running around, hissing at each other and playing and yes even curling up on the same couch together.  As mentioned before, I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to do a marathon this year.  I did not get into Chicago via the lottery, so I will have to run for a charity if I decide I want to do it again.  Or I could run a different marathon.  Decisions!  Luckily, I do have some time to figure it out.

[Watching]  Truthfully I've been doing more reading and listening to records lately than watching TV, but we recently finished up season 3 of Mr. Robot, which was honestly some of the best television I have ever seen (and I've seen all the way through Breaking Bad!).  So good, and actually, I want to rewatch the entire season while I wait for the next one.  I'm also watching The Great British Baking Show and The Office again, and lately we've been watching PBS News Hour in the evenings... which is honestly kind of a bummer to watch, but also, it's important to stay informed of what's happening.

[Feeling Thankful]  After running a marathon and a very busy holiday season at work, my body has been holding up okay.  I've been having slight bouts of pain in my foot lately... and I know what I need to do to alleviate that pain.  I am thankful that I am running, that I'm able to get out there on days like today where it's beautiful and even a little warm in the middle of winter.  I've been on a long road to get here.  And I know it's a road that does end here, that will continue on for the rest of my life.  But I have the tools to be strong, to keep moving without issue.  I just need to renew my focus and keep listening to my body.  Who knows, maybe that marathon will be in my future after all!

[Loving]  Listening to anything on the record player--we have quite the collection and it is my favorite way to hang out in the living room.  Going running as close to the Lake as you can get, with the ice anyway.  Catching up with friends over lunch and during runs at Montrose Harbor.  Going to the bar and sitting in my, our, favorite window spot or at the end of the counter, with the vantage of point of everything.  The fact that it's staying lighter a little bit longer every day... giving me hope for spring.

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