Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of 2017--a blank slate, a tabula rasa.  2016 was quite a year... parts of it were wonderful and amazing, parts of it were difficult and challenging.  I feel like I've started out the year on a great note...  I slept in, Tom made brunch (and it was delicious!), I did some writing, and we each went for a run (I ran just over two miles, he went for just over a 10K).  Now it's late afternoon, early evening, sunset, and we are relaxing in the apartment, making dinner tonight.

I have a few resolutions, goals, for the year.  I will be 29 this year, and, cheesy as it may sound, I want to make this the best year yet!  I am all about personal discovery and self-growth and I plan on making taking care of myself to the fullest an absolute priority.  I want to lose the next 15-20 pounds, become stronger, and hopefully, accomplish my goal of running the Chicago Marathon.  I want to write more regularly, more often... I want to find my voice again and the 8 Minute Memoirs, 52 Lists Project, and my new journal are providing an excellent start on this front.  I want to become a better cook, to learn more about food.  This will benefit me both personally and professionally and I am excited to venture out, to really make a concerted effort becoming a less picky eater.  I feel like all of these goals are reasonable and things I can accomplish over the course of the next 365 days.

I know that 2016 was difficult for many people, myself included.  Like I said, there were things I really loved about it... and things that I wish would have gone differently.  I feel optimistic about 2017; I am excited for the prospect of changing and growing and getting outside of my comfort zone.  I want to be open to love and the goodness of the universe.  I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want to live life to the fullest and savor every second.. take advantage of every opportunity.

This, the New Year's wish of the Eternal Optimist (and always mine, for as long as I can remember.)  May 2017 be the happiest, the very best!

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