The same afternoon, the same sunlight, a few hours apart. I spent my afternoon in the living room, reading the second half of Paper Towns by John Green (which means I have now read all of John Green's books and am actually a little sad about it--he's a great author!) and listening to music and hanging out. It's good to have made it to my weekend, after a 7 day stretch at work, and I am grateful for the time to recharge.
We've been here for a little over a month and I am completely in love with the place. It is perfect for the two of us. And yeah... those boxes there... well, unpacking is still a bit of a reality for us. Most of that stuff is going to be moved into our storage unit downstairs in the basement of our building--but the weather has been so crappy lately and really we just haven't had time. We will get there soon enough! The vast majority of the apartment has been put away, though, and we are learning to exist in our new space.
I also love living in the city. Truthfully, we haven't even had that much of a chance to explore yet, but I know that the coming of Spring will provide more opportunities to explore our neighborhood and the city in general. Tomorrow night, T. and I are going to a date to our favorite barbecue place on the south side and I cannot wait! And that is only the beginning. We are thriving here and I can't wait to see what warmer weather brings.
Today, in addition to reading and ordering Thai food for lunch and making chocolate chip cookies, I also registered for the 2015 Chicago Half Marathon! (2014 report here) The second race I've signed up for this year, after the Shamrock Shuffle 8K at the end of March (which I also did last year). I really wanted to participate in the Chicago Spring Half as well, but I'm already taking off a lot of time in the month of May (vacation and the wedding of my brother to the love of his life) so I'll have to find another race or two to do. I'll have a Jess Goes Running post up very soon, with an update on my exciting adjustment to city running.
All this to say, life is good. I'm sleeping better and reading a lot and looking forward to spring and the potential that is sure to lie ahead for us. Despite your frigid temps, thank you for the warm welcome, Chicago! I really think I'm going to like it here.
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