Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lately, Currently.

Running on a sunny afternoon.

[Reading] Jordan Belfort's The Wolf of Wall Street.  T. and I first watched the movie a few months ago, and I totally enjoyed it.  I was lucky enough to find a copy of the book at the thrift store the other day and I am about halfway through it... should be able to finish it within the next few days, what with my weekend coming up and all.  I actually ended up getting 5 books for under $9, and I am excited to have a little summer reading!

[Doing] Well, at this current moment... relaxing before getting ready for work--my Thursday.  But I'm making plans for my weekend, tending to the plants, and really trying to get my running routine back on track.  I joined a local running group, and I'm hoping that I will actually be able to join them for a run or two this week, so we shall see!  Really, I'm just trying to soak up as much of the summer as I can.

[Thinking About] Ways that T. and I can improve the apartment.  We definitely have a little more decorating that we would like to do, and while I adore our space, I know we can make it better, too!  I will keep you all updated.

[Watching] We've started watching Parks and Recreation again and I am still working my way through How I Met Your Mother.  I also took myself on a movie date a few weeks ago and saw The Fault In Our Stars, which was absolutely incredible and I would recommend to everyone.  Even though I used half a package of tissues and cried a little bit in the car afterwards, too--worth it despite the huge amount of emotional feels.

[Feeling Thankful] For the last few months, how a terrifying situation has more or less turned into a distant memory... for time spent with the husband and my siblings and friends... for an annual summer party that is always a highlight of these warmer months--this one was probably one of the best yet!

[Loving] Well, as it is summer, T. and I have been experimenting with different refreshing cocktails.  I've fallen in love with 7 and 7's, and have started exploring the world of whiskey in general!  I hope to document some of my findings here on the blog, but needless to say, I have gotten a good start.  One of my favorite ways to chill out is with a nice drink and a good book.  We have also been trying to cook a little more, and I am excited for our upcoming culinary adventures--pulled pork, chili, and cheesecake are all in the plans!

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