Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Journal Day: On Turning 25 and 26

This week's Journal Day prompt, courtesy of the lovely blog Sometimes Sweet:

"They say hindsight is 20/20, and with good reason- looking back at something always gives us a better view. We're often able to really see how our choices and decisions then shaped our today, and examine what we would have done differently given the chance. When looking back though, we often look way back, but for this exercise stay a little closer to present time and look back just 12 months. If you could go back just one year, what would you tell yourself? What advice would you offer about everything you've experienced?"

(Came home to this sweet little birthday bouquet from the husband last night after a closing shift at work.)

One year ago today, I turned 25 years old.

The weekend right before my birthday, the husband and I celebrated by going to New Glarus Brewing Company to drink some delicious beers and enjoy some time together.  The day of, we got lunch at Chili's and then I worked an overnight, 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.  The shift turned out to be pretty fun, and I was off the next day so staying up all night wasn't really a big deal.  Turning 25 felt pretty momentous to me at the time.  I felt like there was so much potential, yet at the same time, so much that was still uncertain.

If I could go back in time to my 25 year old self, I'd tell her to be patient just a little bit longer.

Because as it turned out, 25 ended up being a pretty big year.  I participated in my first organized races and finally felt like I could really call myself a runner (and then I went and signed up for a half marathon).  I went skydiving.  I moved into a beautiful apartment with my best friend and I bought a car!  I continued to fall in love with writing, with playing the piano.  I worked hard and played hard and enjoyed every single second.

At 25, I would have loved knowing where I'd end up at 26.  That's just part of growing up, though, and now that I am living it and experiencing it, everything is that much sweeter.  And you know what?  I have a feeling that 26 is going to be my best year yet.  There are a lot of fun and exciting things on the horizon and I am so damn excited to see where the road takes me.  So to my 25 year old self--patience is a virtue, dear girl, so just hold on a little longer, because life is about to become better than you ever dreamed.

At 26, I don't think I've ever been happier.  I am delighted for the future.  Here's to another outstanding trip around the sun.


  1. I love this post Jess. I found your blog through the Journal Day link up. I turned 25 last month so I know exactly what you mean when you say there is so much potential but so much uncertainty. I hope that my year can be as exciting as yours was and I hope 26 treats you even better than 25 did!

    1. Thank you so much!! Here's to 25 (and 26)! :)

  2. Here's to a great 26 Jess... That was a bit back for me.. but for me it was a good year as well.
