Sunday, November 29, 2015

Holidays: Joy, Excitement, and Grace

Just like the rest of the year, October thru December passes by so quickly--but, somehow, at an even more rapid pace than I am already observing, it seems!  Already, it is the very end of November... Thanksgiving has passed, the Christmas tree is up (and it is SO cute!) and we are gearing up for the end of 2015.  I think a lot of my perception of time has to do with the fact that these are our busiest weeks of the year at work.  It is go, go, go for days straight, with crazy hours and lots of product moving through the doors--but, also, lots of opportunity for goodness and fun.

As always, I find myself so thankful and happy and proud of my life and the people in it.  Almost every single day, I have a moment where I realize that I am living out the dreams I've had for myself since I was a kid--and I am no less amazed as I was the first day that we moved to Edgewater.  2015 has been a huge year for me, with lots of change and growth and love.  I have become a better person over the course of this year...  I have gotten to know myself better...  It hasn't always been easy, but it has and is always worth it.  A former boss of mine once told me that if I wasn't uncomfortable, I wasn't growing as a person.  That's probably been one of the most important things I've learned this year.

I've said hello to a lot of really magical and wonderful people this year, but there have been goodbyes, too.  And over this Thanksgiving weekend, I am remembering all of it.  I am so lucky and so grateful to have been blessed with this existence, and I do not take it for granted.  As I wander through the next few weeks, I am bound and determined to soak it all in, to handle whatever comes with joy, excitement, and grace.

Here's to the holidays, and the opportunity they bring!

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