Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jess Goes Running: On the Verge

This time tomorrow, I will be making my way to Jackson Park and the starting line for the Chicago Half Marathon.  It's finally here...  T. and I went to the Health and Fitness Expo after we participated in the Out of the Darkness Walk and I picked up my packet, t-shirt, and vest.  It's always when I'm picking up my bib and my packet that it starts to feel real, and this was no exception.  I felt, and feel, so excited, but also a little terrified, too.  I mean, I've got 13.1 miles ahead of me.  And even though I've done it before...  even though I'm feeling more prepared than I was for the first one... I still can't help but be a little nervous.

I can definitely say, though, that I am way more confident than I am scared.  There's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of fear to stay motivated, and I think that I will be at least a little faster this time around just because I know what to expect.  On my run home from Navy Pier, I went a total of 9.7 miles.  It looks like it's going to be another perfect day, weather wise, and I've been getting a lot of encouragement and good vibes.  When we were at lunch today, one singular thought came to my mind--I am a person who runs half marathons.  I never thought that would be possible, but... damn, do I love it!  So tonight, I'll set out my gear and take a hot shower and get a good night's sleep.  And in the morning, I'll see what's waiting for me out on that adventure through 13.1 miles.

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